Speed up the summit-hosting process with...
65+ Virtual Summit Automations

Let the robots do the work for you with automations that will save you hours as you plan and host your virtual summit.
Use the power of automations to save time, provide a red-carpet speaker and attendee experience, and increase conversion rates all at once.
Save 30+ hours while planning your virtual summit.
WITHOUT having to dish out $$ to a VA or remove a key piece of your summit strategy.

You probably already know that when it comes to a virtual summit…
- There are a LOT of moving pieces to juggle at once.
- Many important steps need to happen once an attendee registers for your summit, and again when they buy your all-access pass.
- The speaker onboarding process is kind of intense, especially when you have to repeat the same steps 20+ times.
- You can’t provide a red-carpet experience to your speakers or attendees if you’re doing all these things manually.
The good news is that robots (AKA automations) can step in and save the day!

Setting up simple and strategic automations in your summit will help you…
- Streamline the process of managing your 20+ speakers and their presentations.
- Create a seamless experience for attendees, speakers, sponsors, and affiliates.
- Maximize conversion rates and revenue by directing attendees to the right place at the right time.Â
- Increase engagement and interaction in your summit by speeding up the process of getting attendees set up your community.
- Reduce the overwhelm that can come with doing all of these things manually.Â
- Make sure that YOU aren’t solely responsible for every tiny detail.Â
- Save you 30+ hours throughout the process.Â
Ready to free up your brain space to focus on delivering an incredible summit experience on autopilot?
65+ Virtual Summit Automations

Instant Access to 65+ Summit Automation ideas neatly organized by category (including website, tech, emails, community, speakers, affiliates, sponsors, and more).
Short and sweet walkthrough videos in addition to written explanations so you can hear the techy processes explained if that works better for your brain than reading.
Tech tool recommendations to help you choose the best software with the best capabilities for setting up automations and getting 30+ hours of your time back.

HI, I'M KRISTA! I’ve been hooked on virtual summits ever since I hosted my first back in 2018, and it completely transformed my business.Â
After tripling my income and email list with my very first summit, I kept building on those initial results and making strategic tweaks + strategy updates with every event I hosted. Over the course of hosting 10 summits, I was able to grow my results from $16k in my first summit to $121k from my personal best, bringing in a total of over $300,000 into my business through virtual summits in 5 years.
And even though I'm obsessed with the power of summits at every level of business, I will never try to hide the fact that they're a lot of work.Â
That fact is what led me to create our signature Summit in a Box system, which involves literally every training, template, and resource you need to make your summit-hosting process easy.
And now, I'm excited to add this list of automations to the mix to give you over 65 pieces of the process that you can set and forget!
Will these automations really make my process easier?
How will they enhance the experience for attendees, speakers, sponsors, and affiliates?
Are these automations platform-specific?
Do I have to use them all?
Are there setup tutorials included?
What if I don’t like it?
What if I have Summit in a Box or the Launch with a Summit Accelerator?
I have more questions.