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I'm so excited you're here to grab the Virtual Summit Starter Kit. We generally sell this kit for $197 and are happy to make it available to you through the BC Stack. Click a button on this page to get instant access!

Virtual Summit Starter Kit

Ditch the doubt and start planning your first profitable online summit.
Learn exactly what hosting a summit entails, map out the important details, make sure you have a profitable topic, and create a realistic timeline to look and feel like the pro you are throughout the whole process.

Get Instant Access For $297 Free

You're ready for a new stream of income while skyrocketing visibility and building an email list full of warm leads. Hosting an online summit is a great way to do that.

But here's the thing. Hosting an online summit will only bring results if you get the basics right. I’m sure you’ve heard people say that online summits don't work. 99% of the time, they're saying that because they missed a fundamental piece at the beginning of their planning process.

Which is exactly what the Virtual Summit Starter Kit will help you avoid!

When I planned my first virtual summit, there weren’t many resources available. I searched for hours only to find a couple podcast episodes giving vague details and a blog post or two. For the most part, I was on my own to figure it out. I watched and participated in other summits and took what I learned to make myself a detailed, step-by-step process to follow.

I launched my first summit a few months later with an email list of only 500 and brought in $16k. And that was only the first one.

Since then, I’ve hosted 5 summits, with the most recent one making $92k. I’ve tweaked my process based on what works and what doesn’t along the way. And through my testing I've been able to clearly define the most important parts of a profitable summit.

And that's exactly why I created this resource for you.

When I got the idea to host a summit, I went straight to Krista. Her resources have blown me out of the water. I feel confident and excited about hosting this summit, and I know her resources are going to help me get incredible results and make sure my audience gets the best summit I can offer!

Kory Woodard

Introducing the Virtual Summit Starter Kit

Ditch the doubt and start planning your first profitable online summit. Learn exactly what hosting a summit entails, map out the important details, make sure you have a profitable topic, and create a realistic timeline to look and feel like the pro you are throughout the whole process.

What's included?

The Virtual Summit Starter Kit includes:

Virtual Summit Basics

A video training that covers the big-picture, important pieces that go into a profitable online summit. This training will help you know about each piece going in, rather than realizing you're missing something the day before registration opens, and ensure your planning process goes smoothly.

Choose Your Profitable Niche & Topic

In this 20-minute video training we'll cover how your niche and topic can make or break your success, where most summit hosts go wrong, and choosing your profitable niche and topic. The associated worksheet will walk you through each step of the process.

Summit Planning Workbook

Holding onto too many ideas in your head gets overwhelming fast. This 16-page workbook will guide you through the process of getting the most important planning pieces out of your head and onto paper. 

Summit Timeline Calculator

Learn exactly how to map out the timeline for your summit preparation and launch. You'll get my suggested timeline for the big-picture summit-hosting tasks and a timeline calculator to calculate due dates for you, based on your summit's start date.

I loved how easy and organized you made everything for me, getting to be featured alongside other amazing speakers, and getting to share a topic I'm passionate about with a group of people who it can really help. If you created a system for summits by doing this one, you should seriously sell it. I would buy it from you, that's how good it was!

Nevica Vazquez, Speaker from one of my previous summits.

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$297 Free

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Hey, I'm Krista!

When I decided to host my first online summit I spent weeks doing nothing but researching the process. I tuned into summits in attempt to reverse engineer the planning process, listened to podcast episodes, and read every blog post I could find.

It took serious work, but I ended up with a process that led me to nearly $16,000 in my very first summit. And that was starting with an email list of only 500 people. I've gotten even better results since.

Now I've taken my process, tools, and knowledge and put them together for YOU to implement in your own business to make planning an online summit easy.

You are the perfect person to teach others how to host summits. You truly created a one-of-a-kind experience for us all that needs to be an industry standard for summits!

Ashley Gartland, Speaker from one of my previous summits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! In the Virtual Summit Starter Kit, we are starting from the beginning by explaining what exactly goes into hosting a summit.

You can expect a big learning curve, but this is exactly what you need to get familiar with the process and start your summit planning right.

If you’re already familiar with how summits work and can imagine hosting one on your own, you'd likely benefit more from the Summit Host Process Map. The Starter Kit is for someone who is brand new to summits, and needs the foundational information before starting to plan a summit. Take a look and send am email to hello@summitinabox.co if you have questions about which option is the best fit for you.

I have kept accessibility in mind for all of the content.

There is video and written material. All videos have either transcripts or captions to go along with them. Transcripts for presentations and captions for step-by-step tutorials. All slides are provided as downloadable PDFs.

If you have any accessibility concerns, please email me at hello@summitinabox.co. I am dedicated to making the Vault accessible to you!

Due to the digital nature of the tools, resources, and tutorials provided, refunds will not be given. However, if you run into issues accessing the content or have questions based on what you learn, email me at hello@summitinabox.co.

If you have other questions, reach out via the chat box in the bottom-right corner of this screen or email me at hello@summitinabox.co.

Get the Virtual Summit Starter Kit Today

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