I've heard a lot of people say over the years that summits only work when you have an audience of business owners. But that couldn't be further from the truth.
If you're a B2C (business-to-consumer) business owner, as in your target audiences is NOT business owners, I'm happy to tell you that B2C summits tend to work even better than summits for B2B audiences.
I'm breaking down the reasons for that in today's episode along with sharing a long list of some of the B2C audiences we've helped clients host summits for!
Just to give you some examples of B2C audiences that we've supported our clients and students in hosting summits for with incredible results:
That list could go on for a long time, but I'll stop there! The point is, if they could do it (successfully!), so can you.
But what is it about B2C summits that make them work so well...?
As a B2C business owner, you have so many more unique problems you can solve through a summit than the typical "make more money" transformation for B2B summits. Just because you haven't seen a summit in your niche doesn't mean it can't be successful - in fact, it probably means you're set up for success because it's not a saturated niche!
B2C audiences tend to get pretty excited about a new summit. It's a chance for them to connect with other people who share the same passions or are working through the same problems as them. They're able to build community through a summit - which makes your event even more successful.
Influencers in B2C niches tend to not get invited to speak at nearly as many summits as B2B speakers... which means when they do, they're usually excited about it! They're more likely to share the summit and get others excited about it too. You may have to do a bit more handholding, because they aren't as familiar with how virtual summits work, but it's worth it.
If I compare my account and some of my other B2B friends' accounts with a crochet account, there's practically no comparison. This is at least partly because there's just less saturation than there is in B2B spaces! It may feel like your niche is saturated... but it probably isn't as much as you think.
Jump in while you can ride the wave! Dip your toes in the water and consider making it happen in 2025. Register for Sell With a Summit: B2C Edition and make this the year that your virtual summit grows your business in ways you didn't even dream of. I hope I'll see you there!
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