Staying True to Your Summit’s Vision Through the Highs and Lows with Sarah Rosensweet

No matter how careful you are, you're going to get negative feedback at some point in your business journey. Hear how I keep it from derailing me - usually!

Some summit hosts start their planning with a clear vision of what they want their event to be like from the beginning. And others go in knowing they want to host a summit, but it takes a little while for their full vision to come through. Either way, once you get into the details of planning your summit, it's not always easy to stay true to the vision you had for your event in the beginning. 

That's why I've brought in a special guest and Launch with a Summit Accelerator client, Sarah Rosensweet, to share a behind-the-scenes look at her virtual summit, and how she stayed true to her vision despite obstacles that came up along the way. 

She pulled back the curtain and shared a side of summit hosting that we don't get to see often - what it looks like to keep pushing forward even when things pop up that make you doubt the entire process.

In this episode, you'll hear her vision for the event, how she got uncomfortable and niched down, how she stayed true to her vision, and what her final results looked like.

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Episode at a glance:

[2:45] Before deciding to host a summit, Sarah had been a part of many summits and thought she knew what went into one. After going through our Summit to Sales training series, she realized there was so much more behind-the-scenes work! She thought she'd gone into the training with a good idea of who her audience would be, but quickly realized she needed to niche down even further. 

It was really important to me to create something with a lot of integrity instead of just focusing on getting all the big names.

[7:37] When she started planning her summit, Sarah had connections with some big-name speakers in her industry, and while it could have been tempting to just pitch them all as speakers, she decided to go a different route and focus on those who were the best possible fit for her summit audience and topic, even if they had smaller audiences.

I felt really good about it until I realized that there was another summit right after mine with all of those big-name speakers I had chosen not to pitch. I looked at the lineup and thought, "Have I created something that is completely not commercial enough? Is it going to be a giant failure?"

[12:05] We also talked about how she didn't like the idea of a fast-action offer of her all-access pass at first, but she trusted the process and was really glad that she did. Another change she made from our process was to increase her pricing at the end of Day 1 rather than before Day 1 started. She wanted everyone to see the value in what she had and experience it first. 

[15:29] Sarah wraps it up by talking about her three goals for the summit: grow her email list, make something awesome, and make back my investment in the Launch with a Summit Accelerator, and she blew them all out of the water!

About Sarah

Sarah Rosensweet is a certified peaceful parenting coach, speaker, and educator and the founder of Reimagine Peaceful Parenting. She lives in Toronto with her husband and her 16-year-old daughter. Her 19 and 22-year-old sons have launched. Peaceful parenting is a non-punitive, connection-based approach that uses firm limits with lots of empathy. Sarah works one-on-one virtually with parents all over the world to help them go from frustrated and overwhelmed to, “We’ve got this!”

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No matter how careful you are, you're going to get negative feedback at some point in your business journey. Hear how I keep it from derailing me - usually!No matter how careful you are, you're going to get negative feedback at some point in your business journey. Hear how I keep it from derailing me - usually!

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