Stay Top-of-Mind Using a Visibility Tour During Your Summit Off-Season with Kelly Sinclair

Kelly Sinclair dives into using a Visibility Tour to become the go-to expert, open the door to new opportunities, and generate leads in just 10 minutes per day.

I know there are a lot of you out there who love the energy of summits, and the audience growth, revenue, and visibility they bring. But we're always looking for other ways to keep the momentum up between summits too. We love challenges for that, as a way to keep the connection and sales going with your existing audience between summits. But about getting in front of new audiences? How do you keep the visibility momentum going outside of summits?

Today, I've got a special guest to talk about how you can stay top-of-mind between summits by doing a Visibility Tour. I ended up way more excited about this idea than I thought it would by the end of the episode!

My first thought when I think about visibility is usually "no." It's not something I'm naturally drawn to making a priority in my business between summits. But after this conversation with Kelly Sinclair, my mindset has totally shifted. Her approach is so doable and I'm obsessed! I have a calendar already created, which you'll learn about soon, and I'm excited to get started with my Visibility Tour! 

So let's dive in to hear from Kelly Sinclair about how to stay top-of-mind using a visibility tour during your summit off-season.

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Episode at a glance:

[1:55] Kelly is a visibility coach with a background in PR, marketing, and branding, and she works with her clients to get more visible so they can build an audience ready to buy, so people are talking about you when you're not in the room. Visibility has been a big part of Kelly's business from day one!  

As soon as I decided to start a business, I realized that the only way to make it work is if I tell people about it. Because you can't become a well known brand and a best kept secret at the same time. You have to start putting yourself out there experimenting with things, figuring out the different ways that you can create connections and build relationships, because you have to do something in order to get clients.

[5:15] Relationships are a key part of Kelly's approach to visibility, and she got her start by prioritizing showing up and connecting with people in her local community in addition to online relationships and visibility. She shares how the power of relationship-building helped her get her first clients, and how those relationships become your best word-of-mouth clients who bring others into your world. 

[7:37] So, what exactly is a Visibility Tour? Kelly sees it as a way to help you build up the habit of focusing on intentional visibility every day. It's really a type of pre-launch strategy, where you're focused on getting exposure, building awareness, building an audience, and building relationships around one single topic over an 8-week period. If you can focus on one visibility-related thing every day, in under 10 minutes, you can make progress, build your business and connections, and create opportunities for yourself. 

A Visibility Tour is an an 8-week sprint to boost your visibility, increase your marketing cadence, and focus it on a single topic for a condensed period of time. If your business has multiple facets or multiple specialties, a visibility tour is about picking one and becoming known for that thing during those eight weeks

[10:39] Many people hear the idea of doing an 8-week Visibility Tour and think it means a big time commitment, but it really can be done in only 10 minutes per day. It also doesn't mean you have to dive into posting multiple times/day on your social media accounts. Instead of focusing your visibility efforts on creating content or connecting with potential clients on social media, Kelly has seen better results by using social media as a place to network, have one-on-one conversations with potential collaborators, apply for speaking opportunities, and see it as a place to get in front of an audience of people who have already been curated by somebody else.

Audience alignment is the key to making a visibility tour work, and this is specific to each collaboration. You have to know your own audience and then find opportunities to reach those people in a way that's a win-win for you and the person you're collaborating with. It starts with awareness of your own audience, and then connecting the dots to the audience of the person that you are looking to leverage for visibility that makes it successful. 

[15:38] Kelly's approach to visibility tours as a way to connect with potential collaborators aligns perfectly with our approach to connecting with and pitching potential speakers for your summit, and it made me wonder: Would it make sense to reach out to past summit speakers on a visibility tour, since they would have promoted your summit to their audience already? I loved Kelly's response:

You know how they used to say it takes seven touch points for someone to remember you, and now it's like 8 million because there's so much going on out there? I think duplication and overlap by getting in front of the same audiences at different times and in different ways helps you to reach them. They're in a different place, different state of mind, different platform, and connecting through different touch points builds up trust. The more times that that happens, I feel adds to the overall trust building there. And so absolutely, your past summit speakers are great to do multiple collaborations with.

[17:25] As an example, Kelly shares her experience hosting a mini-summit style event where she had 6 guest speakers do interviews, but the collaboration didn't end there. She followed that up by doing guest trainings inside of their private, paid programs or was on their podcasts. What Kelly loves about collaborations is the it's a give-and-receive: you feature them, they feature you, and you both support each other and build on your speaker relationships through multiple collaborations.

[22:58] We wrap it up with Kelly sharing her practical tips and simple steps to getting started with your Visibility Tour that can be done in just 10 minutes per day. The key is focusing on external facing actions that involve another person. 

It's about taking action that connects you to another person. Listening to this podcast and learning about visibility is not getting you visible, but by reaching out to one of us about something that we said in his podcast, that's getting you visible and making a connection. Focusing on that relationship building collaboration, and building trust are key.

About Kelly

Kelly is the podcast host and founder of Entrepreneur School, an education hub for ambitious moms who want to start and grow their brands. She’s an award-winning marketer and brand strategist, visibility coach, and girl-mom of 2, constantly juggling hockey practices and marketing plans.

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Kelly Sinclair dives into using a Visibility Tour to become the go-to expert, open the door to new opportunities, and generate leads in just 10 minutes per day. Kelly Sinclair dives into using a Visibility Tour to become the go-to expert, open the door to new opportunities, and generate leads in just 10 minutes per day.

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