The moving pieces that kick in once an attendee registers for your summit play a huge part in your success.
Should you pitch them your all-access pass on the registration page? Should they be directed to a simple thank you page? What are the most important pieces to include on the registration page?
In this episode, we'll cover:
Let's start with what to include in your registration process, what pieces do you need to keep in mind, and 5 things to consider.
First is the registration page. This’s the first thing someone sees after they see a promotion for your summit in their inbox or on social media. Their first strong impression is coming from this registration page. This isn’t a place to have a short landing page with the fact that it's a summit and a button for them to sign up.
Treat this as a course or service sales page. Think about the pain points and the benefits that’ll get your audience to want to register for this event. That's really the most important piece, apart from being able to sign up, which means integration with your email marketing platform.
After someone signs up, they're going to be brought to the thank you page, and there are a couple of ways that I've seen someone do this, but I lean towards one. Let's start with the easier one, though, and that is just that: a thank you page.
This might include:
That is certainly an option.
My recommendation is that once they register, they're redirected to your all-access pass sales page. Your summit's income will soar if you make them a limited-time offer of your all-access pass on that page.
This offer could look like this:
After someone registers, they're going to get your registration email sequence. This series of emails is meant to keep your audience engaged and increase engagement between the time they register and the time your summit begins.
This email sequence should include:
The purpose of this is to keep them engaged and hopefully make more sales of your All-Access Pass.
The fourth thing that's a part of this process is what we've talked about already: your all-access pass offer.
You need to decide if you’re all-access pass will include:
The last part of your registration process is the appropriate tagging and automation in your email marketing platform. When someone signs up for your summit, they should be tagged as registered, and they should not get your normal newsletters until after the summit is over.
It’s confusing and increases the likelihood that someone is going to just unsubscribe and not care about your summit at all.
You also want to tag people once they purchase so you're not continuing to pitch them if they've already purchased your all-access pass.
Let's talk through what it looks like for an attendee when they register.
I want to cover some mistakes to avoid, and these 4 are seen most often.
The first mistake is selling your all-access pass on the registration page itself. This is tempting to do because monetizing is probably a big reason you're doing the summit, but the problem with this is that it splits the focus of the people that are registering. It confuses them.
It forces them to shift from the decision to sign up or not to the decision to sign up and purchase or not do anything.
Don't try to sell your access pass on the registration page.
The second mistake is the wrong positioning and trying to “sell” a summit on your registration page.
They're signing up for a transformation. Think of your registration page as a shorter-form sales page:
That's what's going to make your registration page more impactful.
The third mistake to avoid is not having a registration sequence. Your registration email sequence is so powerful. It gives them easy access to information about your summit.
It introduces new audience members to you. Many of the people signing up have never heard of you before because they're coming from your speakers and affiliates, so this is your chance to introduce yourself to them.
It's going to provide them with a ton of value and some quick wins to keep them excited. It's going to make sales of your all-access pass for you, and it's keeping your attendees warm until the summit starts.
This is especially important when you open registration two or three weeks before the event begins. You don't want them to forget about signing up and getting your day one summit email and wondering who you are and why you’re emailing them.
The fourth mistake is sending your regular newsletters to the people who sign up for your summit. Whether they're already on your email list or whether they're new, they shouldn’t get regular newsletters from you and until the summit is over.
They’re more likely to unsubscribe if they sign up for the summit and are all of a sudden getting hit with random information before it even begins, especially if they're new to you.
Once someone registers, tag them as being registered and then leave them out of your regular newsletter list.
Map out your registration process and take note of the important details from this episode that you really want to pay attention to.
Grab my 19 Keys to a High Converting Summit Registration Page cheat sheet. In it, you'll find a checklist of each important piece to include for easy access plus details on each of those items.
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